My name is Gail. I am a child of God, wife, mother of six, aspiring athlete, advocate for orphans, and a handful of other things depending on the day of the week and the level of chaos in my home. I like to run long distances, and have been know to swim and bike a little bit too before I run.
I ran my first marathon in October 2004 with Team in Training. It was a great experience and helped me catch the marathon bug. I ran a few more, training by myself, and added triathlon to the mix in 2008. About the same time our family of 6 grew to be a family of 8 when our girls walked in our front door and into our hearts.
With our girls came a personal awareness of the needs of children around the world. I was able to see clearly what it looks like in a child's eyes when they don't have a family to help them become what God intended them to be.
I also missed having a purpose for my running, beyond my own emotional and physical well-being.
So that is where Run For the Forgotten was born. This is where I share the ups and downs of endurance training, and at the same time hopefully bring awareness to the challenges and triumphs in orphan care.
Thanks for stopping by.